

主营LED或者COB的光学玻璃透镜的光学设计、光学玻璃透镜的开模、光学玻璃透镜压制。 返回上一页

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浏览次数:118 日期:2025-03-03 08:50:00

玻璃透镜单从透镜的用途来看,它不仅可以用于LED,也可用于安防、数码相机、镭射、光学仪器等领域,材质上包括矽胶、PMMA(亚克力)、PC、玻璃等等,但在LED领域方面依然以亚克力和PC为主。 PC的耐热性比较好,广泛应用于户外,如LED路灯。亚克力耐热性稍差,所以一般用于室内。


Traditional Manufacturing Process of LED Glass Lenses
Glass lenses, depending on their purpose, are versatile components used not only in LEDs but also in security systems, digital cameras, lasers, and optical instruments.
Materials Used
• Silicone, PMMA (Acrylic), PC (Polycarbonate), and Glass are commonly used materials.
• PC:
o Offers good heat resistance, making it suitable for outdoor applications like LED streetlights.
• PMMA (Acrylic):
o Has slightly lower heat resistance, generally used indoors.
Traditional Glass Lens Molding Process
1. Early Methods:
o Melted optical glass preforms are poured into low-temperature molds at a temperature 50°C above the glass transition point.
o Issues:
 Glass often sticks to the mold surface.
 Common defects include air bubbles and cold mold marks (watermarks).
 Achieving the desired shape and surface precision is difficult.
2. Improved Method:
o Special Precision Molds:
 Manufactured using advanced materials and techniques.
 Glass and molds are heated together to the softening point of the glass in an oxygen-free environment.
o Isothermal Pressing:
 Both the mold and glass are maintained at similar temperatures.
 Pressure is applied to shape the glass, and the mold is gradually cooled below the glass transition point while maintaining pressure.
o Benefits:
 Achieves high precision by accurately replicating the mold surface.
• Slow Production Speed:
o The process requires long heating and cooling times, limiting production efficiency.
Despite these challenges, isothermal pressing remains a reliable method for producing high-precision glass optical components in LED applications and beyond.
